
清島アパート 短期滞在プログラム/Short-term Residency at Kiyoshima Apartment


NPO法人 BEPPU PROJECTでは、アーティスト・クリエイターの居住・制作の場『清島アパート』を活用した、短期滞在プログラムの利用者を募集します。清島アパートは、別府現代芸術フェスティバル2009『混浴温泉世界』のプログラムの1つ『わくわく混浴アパートメント』の会場となったことにはじまり、会期終了後もNPO法人 BEPPU PROJECTがアーティストの活動支援の一環として運営維持しています。これまでは原則1年間の長期滞在利用者のみ受け入れてきましたが、2023年度より30日から90日間の短期滞在も受け入れ始めました。清島アパートの利用を契機に、よりアーティスト自身の活動の幅が広がることを目的にしています。

Kiyoshima Apartment - a Beppu-based lodging for artists and creators to live and work in - was the venue for ‘Wakuwaku Mixed Bathing Apartment’ - one of the programmes featured in 2009’s Beppu Contemporary Art Festival ‘Mixed Bathing World’, and continues to be operated and maintained by NPO BEPPU PROJECT, providing ongoing support for artistic endeavours. Until recently, only long-term residents (one year, in principle) were accepted, but as of the fiscal year 2023, the project has since started accepting applications for short-term residency. The aim is for Kiyoshima Apartment to serve as a place in which artists can expand their own creative endeavours.

開催日2024年4月8日(月)〜 随時募集/Applications are welcome at anytime
場所清島アパート/Venue: Kiyoshima Apartment

【応募について/About Application】









You can stay at Kiyoshima Apartment for 30 to 90 days

Please read the following application guidelines and reference materials carefully before applying.

[Application Guidelines] Short-term_Residency_at_Kiyoshima_Apartment

[Application Form] Short-term Residency at Kiyoshima Apartment (pdf)

[Application Form] Short-term Residency at Kiyoshima Apartment (docx)




① 清島アパートに1年以上居住したアーティストからの推薦

② 美術専門家、美術関係機関・団体からの推薦


  • 清島アパートは、戦後すぐに建てられた古い木造アパートに7組のアーティストが共同生活をしている特殊な環境です。応募の前に、清島アパートの住環境および制作環境と、自身が希望する環境に齟齬がないか、よく確認し、ご応募するようお願いします。清島アパートの環境について詳しく知りたい方は、Webサイトおよび別紙「参考資料 清島アパート図面」をご覧いただくか、一度事前に見学にお越しください。
    NPO法人 BEPPU PROJECT Webサイト内 <清島アパート>
  • 清島アパートのアトリエ兼プレゼンテーションスペース、居住可能なプライベートスペースの2室には冷暖房設備がないため、夏期 (7~8月) の暑さ、冬季 (12~2月) の寒さはとても厳しいです。扇風機、ヒーター、簡易クーラーの無料貸出をおこなっていますが、ご利用の期間はよくご検討のうえ、季節に合わせた対策を適宜ご用意されることをおすすめいたします。事務局は制作や別府での活動に関するアドバイスなど、できる限りの活動の援助をいたしますが、制作や自主的におこなうイベント等への事務局からの金銭や人員面等におけるサポートはございません。
  • 利用期間の途中、利用者の都合によって利用を中止する場合には、利用料の払い戻しはいたしません。

Before Applying

In order to apply, you will require a reference from someone who corresponds to either (i) or (ii) below. Please check carefully and ensure you have the consent of the referee before you apply:

(i) A current/former resident of Kiyoshima Apartment who has stayed there for at least one year

(ii) An art professional, art-related institution or organisation

*A reference is not necessary only in cases where applicants are re-applying for residency at Kiyoshima Apartment, providing their previous stay lasted for at least one year, from the year 2010

  • Kiyoshima Apartment is a unique environment in which seven artists live together in an old wooden building, built immediately after the WWⅡ. Before applying, please check carefully whether there are any aspects of the living/creation environment of Kiyoshima Apartment that are incompatible with your personal needs. If you would like to know more about the environment at Kiyoshima Apartment, please refer to the website and the attached reference material, ‘Kiyoshima Apartment Plan’ - or visit the premises beforehand
    Website(only in Japanese):
  • Please be aware that neither the studio/presentation spaces nor private living spaces contain air-conditioning units, making them exceptionally hot in summer (July/August) and exceptionally cold in winter (December-February). Fans, heaters and simple air-conditioners are available free of charge, but we recommend you carefully consider the duration period of your stay and take appropriate measures in accordance with Japan’s seasons
  • The Executive Office will provide as much assistance as possible, including advice on work production and activities in Beppu. However, the Executive Office is unable to provide financial or personnel support for artistic endeavours or voluntary events
  • Usage/residence fees will not be refunded for users/residents who voluntarily decide to terminate their stay during the agreed usage/residence period



利用申請にあたり清島アパートの見学をご希望される方は事務局までご連絡ください。 ただし、プライベートスペースの見学には現在の利用者の承諾が必要です。まずは事務局までご相談ください。


Visiting Kiyoshima Apartment

If you wish to visit Kiyoshima Apartment upon planning to apply, please contact the Executive Office. Please be aware that the consent of the other residents is required in order to view private/living spaces.





Reservation Status

You can check the reservation status on the Google Calendar below.





【滞在アーティスト/Participated Artists】


■2025年1月14日(火)〜4月4日(金)/14 Jan. - 4 Apr. 2025


ローレ・ジュリアン (Laure JULIEN)












Born in Lyon, France, Laure JULIEN entered the École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs de Paris in 2017, where she chose fashion design as her specialization and a means of experimenting with themes linking the body, objects and clothing.
She studied and experimented in Japan for two years as part of a double Master’s degree with Bunka Gakuen in Tokyo. Having fallen under the spell of Japanese culture and its wealth of craftsmanship and artistic expression, she began researching Japanese bamboo basketry.
Her strong ties with local bamboo craftsmen led to an apprenticeship with Tanaka KYOKUSHO. Immersed in the Japanese mountains, this specialized training enabled Laure JULIEN to acquire the essential techniques of the craft. This apprenticeship places her in a practice similar to that of Japanese artists/craftsmen, with the specificity of being able to manipulate bamboo, leather, textiles, ceramics and other technical materials.
In her practice, she collaborates with artisans, artists, and designers, to create pieces at the crossroads of accessory, clothing, textile, object, and sculpture.
Founder of Studio Také, Laure JULIEN is currently dedicated to researching and developing the use of European bamboo in Art practices, in order to make it more accessible to European artists, designers and architects, and to promote Japanese know-how.




■2024年4月27日(土)~5月26日(日)/27 Apr. - 26 May 2024



ヤン・コセク (Jan Kosyk)



これまで25年間にわたり、ジャズ、ボサノヴァ、フォークのさまざまなバンドやアンサンブルでピアノを演奏。近年は「クラヴィアパンク」 (ピアノ・パンク) という独自のジャンルで、シンガーソングライターとしても活動している。「クラヴィアパンク」はフォークやジャズの要素とパンク・ミュージックを組み合わせ、政治的で感情的な歌詞を表現するもの。作詞・作曲のほか、アニメーションやミュージック・ビデオ、小規模なインスタレーションなど、ジャンル横断的な表現にも挑戦している。ドイツ・ドレスデンで15年間過ごし、ドイツをはじめヨーロッパで400回以上のコンサートをおこなう。現在は日常生活を脱し、新しい人々と出会い、インスピレーションを見つけ、自身の音楽とアート制作に集中するため、世界中を巡っている。


Jan Kosyk 



Jan Kosyk has been playing the piano for 25 years in various bands and ensembles in the styles of Jazz, Bossa Nova and Folk, and for the last five years he has been a singer-songwriter in the self-created genre of "Klavierpunk" (piano punk). Here he combines folk and jazz elements with punk music to convey political and emotional lyrics. Besides composing lyrics and songs, he tries out other art forms like animation and music videos and small installations.

After 15 years in Dresden and more than 400 concerts in Germany and Europe, he is currently on a tour over the world to break out of everyday life, meet new people, find inspirations and focus on his own music and art production.



【長期滞在プログラムについて/About the Long-term Residency Programme】


次回の長期滞在プログラム利用者募集については、BEPPU PROJECTのWebサイトにてお知らせします。 


Long-term residency programme users pay 10,000 yen/month for two rooms, with the first floor as studio/presentation space and the second floor as private/living space.

The next call for long-term residency programme users will be announced on the BEPPU PROJECT website.