ローレ・ジュリアン (Laure JULIEN)
Period of stay: 14 Jan. - 4 Apr. 2025
Born in Lyon, France, Laure JULIEN entered the École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs de Paris in 2017, where she chose fashion design as her specialization and a means of experimenting with themes linking the body, objects and clothing.She studied and experimented in Japan for two years as part of a double Master’s degree with Bunka Gakuen in Tokyo. Having fallen under the spell of Japanese culture and its wealth of craftsmanship and artistic expression, she began researching Japanese bamboo basketry.
Her strong ties with local bamboo craftsmen led to an apprenticeship with Tanaka KYOKUSHO. Immersed in the Japanese mountains, this specialized training enabled Laure JULIEN to acquire the essential techniques of the craft. This apprenticeship places her in a practice similar to that of Japanese artists/craftsmen, with the specificity of being able to manipulate bamboo, leather, textiles, ceramics and other technical materials.
In her practice, she collaborates with artisans, artists, and designers, to create pieces at the crossroads of accessory, clothing, textile, object, and sculpture.
Founder of Studio Také, Laure JULIEN is currently dedicated to researching and developing the use of European bamboo in Art practices, in order to make it more accessible to European artists, designers and architects, and to promote Japanese know-how.
『清島アパート 短期滞在プログラム』では、30日から90日間の短期滞在を受け入れております。日常とは異なる環境での創作活動にぜひご利用ください。
NPO BEPPU PROJECT is inviting applications for its short-term residency programme (30 to 90 days) at Kiyoshima Apartment. We look forward to receiving applications from a large number of artists and creators who want to do their creative activities in an environment different from the daily lives. Please check out our website for the details such as the reservation status.
〒874-0933 大分県別府市野口元町2-35 菅建材ビル2階
営業時間:月~金 9:00~18:00
Tel : 0977-22-3560 / Fax:0977-75-7012 / E-Mail:info@beppuproject.com
[Enquiries & Executive Office]
Suga-kenzai Building 2F, 2-35 Noguchimotomachi, Beppu, Oita 874-0933, Japan
Tel: +81-977-22-3560 / Fax: +81-977-75-7012 / Email:info@beppuproject.com