


アーティスト・クリエイターの別府市での活動を支援するため、空き物件をレンタルスタジオとして改修した『BEPPU STUDIO 01』。作品の制作や発表、トークやワークショップなど、文化芸術に関するさまざまな活動にご利用いただけます。利用を検討される方は、下記をよく読み、申請をお願いします。


BEPPU STUDIO 01 is a vacant property that has been renovated into a rental studio to support the activities of artists and creators in Beppu City. The studio can be used for various activities related to culture and the arts, including the production and presentation of works of art, talks and workshops. Those considering using this facility are requested to read bellow carefully prior to submitting an application.

設計/Design山根製作所 株式会社
住所/Address:大分県別府市楠町14-2 財前ビル1階
Oita Prefecture, Beppu City, Kusunoki-machi 14-2, Zaizen Building 1F
Activities related to culture and the arts
使用可能期間/Periods of Use1日から最大90日まで 

Period of Use: from 1 day to a maximum of 90 days.
*Please contact us in advance if you wish to use the space for more than 90 days.
使用可能時間/Hours of Use10:00〜21:00 
*Please note that the following time frames include any necessary time for setting up and taking down equipment
使用料金/Fees 短期 (1〜6日) :5,000円/日
中期 (7〜29日) :4,000円/日
長期 (30日以上):3,000円/日

※申請者が大分県内を拠点に活動する個人・団体の場合、長期利用に限り割引料金 (2,000円/日) で使用できます

Short-term (1-6 days):JPY 5,000 per day
Medium-term (7- 29 days):JPY 4,000 per day
Long-term (30 days or more):JPY 3,000 per day

*If the applicant is an individual or organisation based in Oita Prefecture, the following discounted rate is available for long-term use only. (Discounted rate: JPY 2,000 per day 2,000円/日)
*Please be aware that fees and discounts are subject to change or suspension without notice.
*Fees must be paid at least 8 days before the starting date of use.
*Please contact us in the event of any sales being made.
キャンセル料/Cancellation feesお支払い済みの場合、キャンセル料を差し引いた金額を払い戻します。
利用日の8日前まで 0%
利用日の4日前から7日前まで 50%
利用日の当日から3日前まで 100%

If payment has already been made, refunds will be made with the cancellation fee deducted as follows. 
Up to 8 days before the date of use: 0%
From 4 to 7 days before the date of use: 50%
From the day of use to 3 days before the date of use: 100%.
Toilet, Sink, A/C, Lighting, Projector, Chair, Table
使用用途例/Space & Equipmentスポットライトなどの照明器具やイス、机などの最低限の什器を揃えています。アトリエAは2面がガラス張り、2面が白い壁面となっており、通りからもよく見える空間です。アトリエBはやや奥まった場所にある細長い空間です。下記のような用途に適しています。

・地域に開かれたイベントなどを実施したい方   など

The studio is equipped with minimal fixtures such as spotlights and other lighting fixtures, chairs and desks. Studio A has glass walls on two sides and white walls on two sides, making the space clearly visible from the street. Studio B is a long, narrow space located slightly to the rear. It is suitable for the following uses:

・those wishing to create larger-than-usual works
・those wishing to create installations or works that utilise the entire space
・those who want a neutral space for an exhibition
・those who wish to create whilst interacting with the local community
・those who wish to hold events in the local community
使用の制限/Restrictions on use以下の場合はスタジオの貸し出しはできません。
・その他、管理上支障があるとBEPPU PROJECTが認めた場合

The studio cannot be rented out for the following uses:
・Religious, political or soliciting activities
・Activities that offend public order and morals
・Activities for which BEPPU PROJECT recognises possible obstacles facing management

BEPPU STUDIO 01の図面はこちら/Design drawings is here



長期のご利用 :使用日の12ヶ月前の月の1日から予約可能 (2025年4月に使用の場合、2024年4月1日より予約可)

中短期のご利用:使用日の6ヶ月前の月の1日から予約可能 (2024年12月に使用の場合、2024年6月1日より予約可)



Long-term use: reservations can be made from the first day of the month twelve months prior to the date of use (for example, for use in April 2025, reservations can be made from 1st April 2024).

Medium to short term use: reservations can be made from the first day of the month three months prior to the date of use (for example, for use in December 2024, reservations can be made from 1st September 2024).

In all cases, please ensure your reservation is confirmed at least 14 days prior to the date of use


① 下記より予約状況を確認してください。/Your reservation status can be checked bellow.



② 申込フォームに必要事項を記入のうえ、過去の活動履歴などをまとめた書類を添付し、申請してください。/Fill in the application form and attach a document summarising your past activities. 


申し込みフォーム/Application form


③ 弊団体より連絡し、オンライン面談にて、活動趣旨や用途を確認させていただきます。/During the online interview, we will confirm the use and purpose of your proposed activity.


④活動内容に問題がなければ、予約完了のメールをお送りします。規定の使用料金をお支払いください。支払い方法はメールにてお知らせいたします。/If satisfied, we will send you an email confirming your reservation, after which the stipulated fee will be payable. You will be informed of the payment method by email.


⑤使用当日、現地にてBEPPU PROJECTスタッフが施設利用について説明します。/On the [first] day of use, a BEPPU PROJECT staff member will be there to explain the use of the facility on-site.



使用上の留意事項/Important Notes on Use

・使用後は、原状回復が義務となります。備品の破損、汚損、紛失の場合は、必ずBEPPU PROJECTまで連絡をお願いします。










After use, restoration to the original state is obligatory. In the event of damage, defacement or loss of equipment, 

 please contact BEPPU PROJECT.

Please check all electrical appliances and fixtures carefully after use to ensure that they have been switched off.

Please take your rubbish home with you. For medium to long-term use, please dispose of rubbish at the designated 

 collection point on the collection day.

Smoking is not permitted anywhere in the building.

There is no car park on-site. Please use a nearby pay car park. For medium to long-term users who wish to park 

 temporarily during loading and unloading, please contact us in advance.

The upper floors of the building are used as residences, and there are a number of shops and houses in the vicinity. In 

 light of this, there are restrictions on the use of the premises for productions, musical performances and any 

 performances involving loud noises. Please contact us in advance if you are unsure. 

Productions, exhibitions or activities that emit strong odours are prohibited.

The use of firearms is strictly prohibited.

In principle, financial support for production and transport costs is not provided. If you need support in the process of 

 production or research activities in Beppu, please contact us in advance.


 *If the above is not complied with, the use of the facility may be terminated, even during the contract period.








Address:Oita Prefecture, Beppu City, Suehiro-cho 1-3, Renga Hall 1F


A centre that provides information on arts and culture in Beppu City, the facility contains a consultation room in which artists and creators moving to Beppu can obtain support, as well as an exhibition room in which activities can be showcased. The facility is operated by BEPPU PROJECT, on behalf of Beppu City.


清島アパート/Kiyoshima Apartment


Address:Oita Prefecture, Beppu City, Suehiro-cho 2-27

アーティスト専用の居住・制作の場です。毎年約7名のアーティストが長期 (1年間) 滞在しながら制作しています。また、短期 (30日から90日間) での滞在も可能です。

An exclusive place for artists to live and work in, every year, about seven artists stay and work here long-term (one year). Short-term stays (30 to 90 days) are also possible.




Address:Oita Prefecture, Beppu City, Chuo-cho 9-3


This rental studio for artists and creators was renovated from a corner of a 100-year-old Japanese tenement house.




〒874-0938 大分県別府市末広町1番3号 レンガホール1階  受付時間 11:00-17:00 ※火・水休み

〒874-0938 Oita Prefecture, Beppu City, Suehiro-cho 1-3, Renga Hall 1F  

Time 11:00-17:00 *closed on Tuesdays and Wednesdays

TEL: 070-4208-9361 E-mail:


『TRANSIT』は別府市より委託を受けて、BEPPU PROJECTが運営しています。

『TRANSIT』 is managed by BEPPU PROJECT, on behalf of Beppu City.